Chris09 hat geschrieben:
Wurde auf btx gepostet:
COMPLETE % ATTENDENCE FIGURES FOR SPRINGSTEEN's 'MAGIC TOUR' (from Billboard's Boxscore). These figures include the final USA leg of the tour recently completed.
All shows on the tour were deemed as sellouts except for the ones shown below. We'll start off with the worst selling gig and work down. Shows outside the USA are in bold.
Columbus, OH....Mar 24...................34% of available tickets went UNSOLD
Indianapolis, IN...Mar 20.................30%
Auburn Hills, MI...Nov 5....................26%
Anaheim, CA....Apr 8........................23%
Nashville, TN...Aug 21......................22%
Buffalo, NY....Mar 7..........................19%
St Louis, MO...Aug 23......................18%
Manchester, UK...May 28...............18%
Cincinatti, OH....Mar 22....................17%
Sacramento, CA....Apr 4...................16%
Portland, OR....Mar 28......................14%
Dusseldorf, Germany..Jun 16............13%
Oakland, CA...Oct 25........................12%
Oakland, CA...Oct 26........................12%
Montreal, Canada...Mar 2.................11%
Paris, France....Jun 27......................10%
San Jose, CA...Apr 5............................9%
Greensboro, NC...Apr 28.....................9%
Kansas City, MO.....Aug 24..................8%
Uniondale, NY....Mar 10.......................6%
Houston, TX....Apr 14..........................5%
Jacksonville, FL...Aug 15......................4%
Los Angeles, CA...Oct 29.....................4%
Los Angeles, CA...Oct 30.....................3%
Foxboro, MA...Aug 2............................3%
Cardiff, UK.....Jun 14...........................3%
Pittsburgh, PA....Nov 14.......................2%
Madrid, Spain...Jul 17..........................2%
Washington, DC...Nov 11.....................2%
Washington, DC...Nov 12.....................1%
Seattle, WA....Mar 29...........................1%
Cleveland, OH...Nov 4..........................1%
Albany, NY....Nov 15.............................1%
Amsterdam, Netherlands...Jun 18.........1% of available tickets went UNSOLD
13% der Karten für Düsseldorf nicht verkauft - ist ja gar nicht soooo schlecht
Aber nur weil das Fußballspiel war