das Thema wurde
hier ausführlichst besprochen.
Greasylake hat zu diesem Thema folgendes veröffentlich:
"Rumors on the internet about Danny's health
Maybe you have heard them, maybe not.
The "word on the internet" is that Danny's health is becoming a problem and that he will likely leave the tour after Boston.
We have NO official confirmation about this fact, so it could be completely true or totally false, we don't know
It has long been our policy to not speculate on matters of life and health and we won't do that now either, out of respect for his obvious wish for privacy on a matter that belongs private as long as he wishes it to remain so.
Until there is some official confirmation or news, please refrain from posting on this topic, it could be hurtful and unkind and we don't want that to be our reputation about sensitive matters, like this one. If and when there is an official announcement of fact, of course we will be able to discuss it then and we will all have our opportunity to pass along our best wishes if they are needed.
Thanks for your respect and understanding
Wenn an der Geschichte was dran sein sollte, wird das Bruce Springsteen Management sicher bald dazu Stellung beziehen.