E-Street hat geschrieben:
Hat der Rollcall dieses Mal eigentlich funktioniert?
Kann da jemand was im vergleich zu Frankfurt sagen?
Wie liefs?
das schrieb PAULINE im "greasy lake" dazu:
So I'll post my version of Hamburg then.
YES!!!!!!!!! he played FIRE for me (and although I can't quite remember the actual words before the song, it was very very nice and the banter before (when I held up my sign) and the smile that came with it too.)
NOOOOOOO! I did not faint. There was still too much concert to be played, I had waited too darn long in the line-up queue and still had a trip to Roterdam to go... no time for fainting.
So here it is. I went to the Arena the night before but there was nobody there. The Arena is right in the middle of nowhere and although I knew security was watching me, I didn't feel safe. I asked them if I could sleep on the floor inside (my German sucks... but in times of Bruce I'll try anything) but they said no. They did order me a taxi and sorted out a cheap hotel. So I got the first S-bahn thingie back (did you guys know that on many German tickets the actual fare to the venue (on the day) is included? That's cool) and arrived at 5.45. And was number 2. Sucks!! I so wanted to be number 1 for once..
Still, always one to see the bright side of things.. that meant I didn't have to do the line-up call. That's number one, right? Seems only fair. Comes with the advantage of being number one and other peole respecting that...
Wrong.. Mathias was the shyest boy you've ever met (and without a ticket until 5 minutes before doors opened, it transpired...phew, so good he got one in the end - his original ticket never came through). So I did the line up.
It was the bestest atmosphere ever during a line up (thanks you mottley crew from Danemark Valdemar etc...). It was surprisingly quiet, I have to add. In fact, at 11 am the 34 of us thought we had the wrong day, venue or both. Anyhow. I stopped the numbers at 104. That's hard enough work. We tried to line up as well as we could at 5 pm in the right order. I know, some people wouldn't move back. I know, it's always difficult to guarantee nobody steps in front of you. BUT... after all is said and done ... JESSY ... when we WALKED into the Arena, NOBODY got crushed (like in Frankfurt, you pessimistic Germans out there) and MOST of the 104 people ended up in a good spot. I know because I checked. The LINE-UP DID WORK!!! In fact I will state once more, the line-up is the best thing about Springsteen fans, but we have to respect it. It's a fine line, I know, but unless we all believe in it and are willing to accept that when we only arrived at 4 pm we don't deserve as good a spot as someone who's camped out (or arrived even just 5 miutes before you!!!!) we might as well forget it right from the start. And then nobody can go to the toilet, get enything to eat, it will be a hellish wait with aggression and unpleasantness. It's called being civilised...
So, the line up worked. The concert was quick, I agree. Bruce seemed very tired. (what was he doing in ROME?!!) But you know what, it was relaxed too and we got some great songs (once I hadn't heard live before: Atlantic City, Devils and Dust, Long time coming)
I had decided at the last minute to scribble: FIRE, PRETTY PLEASE on one of my left-over line-up A4s. I can't remember when I held it up but he saw it.. I did the thumbs up, middle, down, finishing with up... he uhmmed and ahhed a bit, smiled , I smiled back and we left it at that. It was great: I had had some banter and that was cool.
I had lots of banter with all the band actually, really smart. Larry and I especially. So they go off and when they came back on Bruce says:
(not exact quote, I'll wait for the bootleg) Here's one we don't do very well. It's a request right from the front here. Tonight baby, we'll do it especially for you. And then they started FIRE!
No Verona doesn't have the rights to that one. It was bloody Shakespeare who made Romeo and Juliet immortal so I figure a British (near enough after 16 years in Scotland) request is justification enough, if not my stunningly good looks, sex appeal and modesty of course!
Needless to say I was rather chuffed. At the end of the show Larry gave me his drumsticks (BOOST!) and my night was made. the 4 1/2 hours in the car to Holland (ERIK, the caller what a fab job you did!! cruising along German Highways with Bruce bootlegs.. great) seem to fly by (actually I think they did, I've never managed to travel that far that quickly). Brief stop in Gouda for Badmuts, very quick shower, swap of cars and 5.30 am in Rotterdam. I got another 2 hours in a sleeping bag, and then the long wait started again. 8.26 pm front row and another fabbie show (coz' Rotterdam Rocked!) was on the way.
Sorry for long post but here you have it.
Next stop London with my family (thanks to Janice, Eilen and Glynn). Can't wait! And for now. Into bed! (I was supposed to go to a wedding but my mum and dad let me off the hook... they couldn't face the only clean item of clothing left.. what my mum calls a denim belt... Then tonight Southside in Paradiso and tomorrow in Gent and then home.. to my husband and kids. Life is cool
komisch schon,dass es anscheinend weltweit sehr gut funktioniert nur in germany nicht, aber wenn die security und die veranstalter nicht mitmachen kann man halt leider damit sehr wenig erreichen.
war im endeffekt in HH aber doch noch sehr fair,da dieser eingang (wie von der security kundgetan) der erste war,der geöffnet wurde.
da gibts doch irgendwo auf den offiziellen veröffentlichungen (dvd´s) von springsteen auch den kommentar dazu, warum er pit eingeführt hat und nummernausgabe somit gut findet.......
das springsteen-management sollt dies bei den veranstaltern doch kundtun und in die vertragsbedingungen einbeziehen!