Bruce Springsteen Forum

VÖ Arcade At Night November 8th
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Autor:  boss49 [ 01.10.2011 21:11 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Re: VÖ Arcade At Night November 8th

Warum nicht?

Autor:  Mini15 [ 02.10.2011 08:39 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Re: VÖ Arcade At Night November 8th

Dann würde eine Pressemitteilung auf der offiziellen Homepage stehen.

Welchen Grund gibt es, dass Bruce es nicht offiziell mitteilen würde?

Autor:  Guido [ 02.10.2011 08:51 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Re: VÖ Arcade At Night November 8th

Donna D hat geschrieben:
Ich glaubs trotzdem nicht !!! :?

Also glauben tu ich es erst wenn ich die Scheibe in der Hand halte. Aber es keimt Hoffnung :o

Autor:  silvery [ 02.10.2011 09:04 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Re: VÖ Arcade At Night November 8th

die übernehmen doch alle nur die (fake?) meldung ... hats auch (aber wenigstens mit quellenangabe)

solang von shorefire nix kommt halt ichs für ein gerücht ...

Autor:  Wild_Billy [ 02.10.2011 09:39 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Re: VÖ Arcade At Night November 8th

Mini15 hat geschrieben:
Dann würde eine Pressemitteilung auf der offiziellen Homepage stehen.

Welchen Grund gibt es, dass Bruce es nicht offiziell mitteilen würde?

Auf der offiziellen Homepage steht alles erst relativ spät :o

Autor:  kieler24143 [ 02.10.2011 09:58 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Re: VÖ Arcade At Night November 8th

vielleicht macht bruce es ja wie 1992 und veröffentlicht arcade at night zeitgleich mit red dust :mrgreen:

Autor:  jayhawks [ 07.10.2011 08:21 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Re: VÖ Arcade At Night November 8th

by Pete Chianca
".We told you it sounded fishy. No matter how much collective wishful thinking we may have directed at it, it turns out the rumor (and track listing) for a new Bruce Springsteen album called Arcade at Night came from the imagination of a poster over at dysfunctional message board BTX. You need to be a member to see the page, but here’s the confession in a nutshell, from “bill” at BTX:

Listen, I fooled all of you with making up that press release. It was a joke, now I am being contacted by media outlets on how I got the track listing etc.. Look, it’s your own dumb faults whomever believed it. People took with it and ran with it, like most Springsteen fans do, they take stuff and claim it as their own, but whatever. That dude from Italy is a dumbass, as is anyone who took it as gospel. Shame on those who believed it, and shame on those who took it to press. By now if you haven’t learned how things work in this camp, then you never will. Just like those morons saying that when i posted those pics of Bruce in nyc, that he was there to do fallon. WHEN IN THE PAST F–ING 12 YEARS has a Springsteen performance on TV never been announced of publicized? Listen friends, if an album is coming out, you will know about it because things start buzzing. I’m just a 19 year old kid, even I know this stuff.

Hmmm … He doesn’t exactly sound contrite. But the names he’s being called by other BTX members is probably punishment enough. (Stan the Man at also confirms it was a hoax.)

Meanwhile, album scuttlebutt continues to percolate, and we have it on good authority that recordings are in the can. Of course, with Bruce that could mean the inclusion on a box set in 2041 rather than a new album, but we’ll continue to keep the faith."


Read more: Blogness on the Edge of Town - Bruce Springsteen

Autor:  Smutje [ 07.10.2011 10:18 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Re: VÖ Arcade At Night November 8th

jayhawks hat geschrieben:
by Pete Chianca
".We told you it sounded fishy. No matter how much collective wishful thinking we may have directed at it, it turns out the rumor (and track listing) for a new Bruce Springsteen album called Arcade at Night came from the imagination of a poster over at dysfunctional message board BTX. You need to be a member to see the page, but here’s the confession in a nutshell, from “bill” at BTX:

Listen, I fooled all of you with making up that press release. It was a joke, now I am being contacted by media outlets on how I got the track listing etc.. Look, it’s your own dumb faults whomever believed it. People took with it and ran with it, like most Springsteen fans do, they take stuff and claim it as their own, but whatever. That dude from Italy is a dumbass, as is anyone who took it as gospel. Shame on those who believed it, and shame on those who took it to press. By now if you haven’t learned how things work in this camp, then you never will. Just like those morons saying that when i posted those pics of Bruce in nyc, that he was there to do fallon. WHEN IN THE PAST F–ING 12 YEARS has a Springsteen performance on TV never been announced of publicized? Listen friends, if an album is coming out, you will know about it because things start buzzing. I’m just a 19 year old kid, even I know this stuff.

Hmmm … He doesn’t exactly sound contrite. But the names he’s being called by other BTX members is probably punishment enough. (Stan the Man at also confirms it was a hoax.)

Meanwhile, album scuttlebutt continues to percolate, and we have it on good authority that recordings are in the can. Of course, with Bruce that could mean the inclusion on a box set in 2041 rather than a new album, but we’ll continue to keep the faith."


Read more: Blogness on the Edge of Town - Bruce Springsteen

Was ist das denn für ein Arsch...? :confuse

Autor:  boss49 [ 07.10.2011 12:31 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Re: VÖ Arcade At Night November 8th

Ja, hab ich auch gedacht.
Und abgesehen davon, ob am Gerücht was dran ist oder nicht, ist dieser Knirps vor allem eins: ein Wichtigtuer!

Autor:  metalandi [ 07.10.2011 12:31 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Re: VÖ Arcade At Night November 8th

Manche sollten sich echt ein Leben besorgen...

Autor:  GreetingsFromEStreet [ 10.10.2011 19:15 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Re: VÖ Arcade At Night November 8th

Moin, ich schreib ja sehr selten hier. Also laut Facebook-Seite von Professor Roy Bittan gibt es laut Sony im Februar 2012 definitiv ein neues Bruuuuce-Album! :devil

Autor:  wolf [ 10.10.2011 19:20 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Re: VÖ Arcade At Night November 8th

Na, das ist doch mal was :banane :thumbs1

Autor:  Eddem [ 10.10.2011 19:22 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Re: VÖ Arcade At Night November 8th

Na dann, immer fest dran glauben :bruce

Autor:  wolf [ 10.10.2011 19:24 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Re: VÖ Arcade At Night November 8th

Scheint aber auch nichts offizielles zu sein. Es ist eine Fanpage :cry: .

Autor:  GreetingsFromEStreet [ 10.10.2011 19:25 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Re: VÖ Arcade At Night November 8th

Wobei: Es ist "nur" die Fanpage von Roy, also er nicht selber. Stellt sich natürlich die Frage von wem die Seite gepflegt wird. Hoffentlich ein Insider! :?

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