Bruce Springsteen Forum

Alle Personen in Bruce´s Songs !
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Autor:  CaSsi [ 17.07.2003 14:24 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Alle Personen in Bruce´s Songs !

Hallo Leute !

Mir ist mal was eingefallen, eine Aufgabe die allein keinen Spaß macht.
Eine Sammlung aller Personen in Bruce´s Songs...

von The Boy Prophets über Sandy, Spanish Johnny, Bill Horton und all den anderen.
Damit man sich zurecht findet kann man in klammern den Songtitel schreiben. Am besten wäre es wenn man was über die Personsn wüsste. Vieleicht weiß ja jemand welche Person/inspiration in echt gemeint sein soll bzw. ihn dazu gebracht hat
(Bobby Jean Synonym für Steve oder Wendy vielleicht inspiriert durch ein damaliges Poster von Peter Pan ??)

Die Liste wie einen Vine bitte immer mit kopieren 8)

Autor:  cmatt [ 17.07.2003 14:45 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

1. Mary (muss ich die Songs nennen ;)????)

Autor:  Netzwerg [ 17.07.2003 15:03 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

Abgefahrene Idee, CasSsi! Wird allerdings wohl ne Lebensaufgabe ... ;)

1. Mary
2. Johnny (works in a factory)
3. Billy (works downtown)
4. Terry (works for a rock and roll band)

Autor:  cmatt [ 17.07.2003 15:07 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

1. Mary
2. Johnny (works in a factory)
3. Billy (works downtown)
4. Terry (works for a rock and roll band)
5. (Some girls they want a handsome) Dan
6. (or some good-lookin') Joe
7. (some girls like a sweet-talkin') Romeo

Autor:  Reisender [ 17.07.2003 15:15 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

...ich trau mich mal... :wink:

001. Mary
002. Johnny (works in a factory)
003. Billy (works downtown)
004. Terry (works for a rock and roll band)
005. (Some girls they want a handsome) Dan
006. (or some good-lookin') Joe
007. (some girls like a sweet-talkin') Romeo
008. Rosie (come out tonight...)

Autor:  Netzwerg [ 17.07.2003 15:18 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

999 sollten doch wohl reichen, oder? ;)

001. Mary
002. Johnny (works in a factory)
003. Billy (works downtown)
004. Terry (works for a rock and roll band)
005. (Some girls they want a handsome) Dan
006. (or some good-lookin') Joe
007. (some girls like a sweet-talkin') Romeo
008. Rosie (come out tonight...)
009. Franky(~ie)
010. Joe Roberts (works for the state)
011. Bill Horton (was an honest man)

Nur schade, dass man an weiteren Hintergrundinfos zu den Personen wohl kaum was finden wird. :(

Autor:  Reisender [ 17.07.2003 15:21 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

Kommen wir über 100?
Wie schliessen wir Doppeleinträge aus?

001. Mary
002. Johnny (works in a factory)
003. Billy (works downtown)
004. Terry (works for a rock and roll band)
005. (Some girls they want a handsome) Dan
006. (or some good-lookin') Joe
007. (some girls like a sweet-talkin') Romeo
008. Rosie (come out tonight...)
009. Franky(~ie)
010. Joe Roberts (works for the state)
011. Bill Horton (was an honest man)
012. (Me and) Wayne (on 4th of July)

Autor:  minizwergi [ 17.07.2003 15:22 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

Ich trau mich auch mal :oops:

001. Mary
002. Johnny (works in a factory)
003. Billy (works downtown)
004. Terry (works for a rock and roll band)
005. (Some girls they want a handsome) Dan
006. (or some good-lookin') Joe
007. (some girls like a sweet-talkin') Romeo
008. Rosie (come out tonight...)
009. Franky(~ie)
010. Joe Roberts (works for the state)
011. Bill Horton (was an honest man)
013. Frank, won't you pack your bags...

Autor:  Reisender [ 17.07.2003 15:28 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

001. Mary
002. Johnny (works in a factory)
003. Billy (works downtown)
004. Terry (works for a rock and roll band)
005. (Some girls they want a handsome) Dan
006. (or some good-lookin') Joe
007. (some girls like a sweet-talkin') Romeo
008. Rosie (come out tonight...)
009. Franky(~ie)
010. Joe Roberts (works for the state)
011. Bill Horton (was an honest man)
012. (Me and) Wayne (on 4th of July)
013. Frank, won't you pack your bags...

Autor:  Reisender [ 17.07.2003 15:35 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

001. Mary
002. Johnny (works in a factory)
003. Billy (works downtown)
004. Terry (works for a rock and roll band)
005. (Some girls they want a handsome) Dan
006. (or some good-lookin') Joe
007. (some girls like a sweet-talkin') Romeo
008. Rosie (come out tonight...)
009. Franky(~ie)
010. Joe Roberts (works for the state)
011. Bill Horton (was an honest man)
012. (Me and) Wayne (on 4th of July)
013. Frank, won't you pack your bags...
014. (Now) Mary Lou (loved) Johnny ...

Autor:  minizwergi [ 17.07.2003 15:37 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

noch einen Versuch:

001. Mary
002. Johnny (works in a factory)
003. Billy (works downtown)
004. Terry (works for a rock and roll band)
005. (Some girls they want a handsome) Dan
006. (or some good-lookin') Joe
007. (some girls like a sweet-talkin') Romeo
008. Rosie (come out tonight...)
009. Franky(~ie)
010. Joe Roberts (works for the state)
011. Bill Horton (was an honest man)
012. (Me and) Wayne (on 4th of July)
013. Frank, won't you pack your bags...
014. (Now) Mary Lou (loved) Johnny ...
015. dolly with the blue jeans on...

Autor:  runner [ 17.07.2003 15:38 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

ich auch, ich auch:

001. Mary
002. Johnny (works in a factory)
003. Billy (works downtown)
004. Terry (works for a rock and roll band)
005. (Some girls they want a handsome) Dan
006. (or some good-lookin') Joe
007. (some girls like a sweet-talkin') Romeo
008. Rosie (come out tonight...)
009. Franky(~ie)
010. Joe Roberts (works for the state)
011. Bill Horton (was an honest man)
012. (Me and) Wayne (on 4th of July)
013. Frank, won't you pack your bags...
014. (Now) Mary Lou (loved) Johnny ...
015. dolly with the blue jeans on...
016. Sandy (the aurora is risin' behind us)


Autor:  Reisender [ 17.07.2003 15:41 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

hmmm...vielleicht sollten wir doch die Songtitel mit hinzufügen, wie CaSsi vorgeschlagen hat...(?)

Autor:  Join the Band [ 17.07.2003 15:42 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

001. Mary
002. Johnny (works in a factory)
003. Billy (works downtown)
004. Terry (works for a rock and roll band)
005. (Some girls they want a handsome) Dan
006. (or some good-lookin') Joe
007. (some girls like a sweet-talkin') Romeo
008. Rosie (come out tonight...)
009. Franky(~ie)
010. Joe Roberts (works for the state)
011. Bill Horton (was an honest man)
012. (Me and) Wayne (on 4th of July)
013. Frank, won't you pack your bags...
014. (Now) Mary Lou (loved) Johnny ...
015. dolly with the blue jeans on...
016. Sandy (the aurora is risin' behind us)
017. Crazy Janey
018. Wild Billy
019. G-man
020. Hazy Davy
021. Killer Joe

Das sind spontan die, die mir aus Spirit in the Night einfallen... oder gabs da noch mehr Gestalten? :wink:

Autor:  LittleSchroedi [ 17.07.2003 15:47 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

Abgefahrene Sache !!!
Hier noch was ganz Offensichtliches :wink: :

001. Mary
002. Johnny (works in a factory)
003. Billy (works downtown)
004. Terry (works for a rock and roll band)
005. (Some girls they want a handsome) Dan
006. (or some good-lookin') Joe
007. (some girls like a sweet-talkin') Romeo
008. Rosie (come out tonight...)
009. Franky(~ie)
010. Joe Roberts (works for the state)
011. Bill Horton (was an honest man)
012. (Me and) Wayne (on 4th of July)
013. Frank, won't you pack your bags...
014. (Now) Mary Lou (loved) Johnny ...
015. dolly with the blue jeans on...
016. Sandy (the aurora is risin' behind us)
017. Crazy Janey
018. Wild Billy
019. G-man
020. Hazy Davy
021. Killer Joe
022. (Good luck good bye) Bobby Jean

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